le portail de la science politique française
Amandine ORSINI
Enseignant(e) Chercheur(e) PR
Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles
Science politique
Organisations internationales
Relations internationales
EU Global Green Jean Monnet Chair (Chair holder), 2022-2025
YOUTHEARTH, “Youth goals for earth politics”, 4-year FNRS research project, principal investigator, 2021-2024
EU Environmental Governance: Current and Future Challenges. Routledge. (with E. Kavvatha). 2020
Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance. Routledge. (with JF. Morin). 2020
Global Environmental Politics. Understanding the governance of the Earth. OUP. (with JF. Morin and S. Jinnah). 2020
Orsini, Amandine. 2022. The Global Governance of Human Trafficking. EUWEB Legal Essays. Global & International Perspectives. 1: 19-34.
Orsini, Amandine, Cobut, Loïc and Maxime Gaborit. 2021. Climate change acts non-adoption as potential for renewed expertise and climate activism: the Belgian case. Climate Policy. 21(9):1205-1217.