le portail de la science politique française



APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2022 : des panels en partenariat avec l’AFSP

Du 15 au 18 septembre 2022 se tiendra l’APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition à Montréal sur le thème “Rethink, Restructure, and Reconnect: Towards A Post-Pandemic Political Science”. Lors de cette rencontre de l’Association américaine de science politique, deux panels seront organisés en partenariat avec l’AFSP. En effet, depuis 2010, l’Association Française de Science Politique est « related group » de l’APSA, en partenariat avec le French Politics Group. Les sessions, qui se tiendront toutes les deux le 15 septembre, auront pour thème : « 2022 Parliamentary and Presidential Elections in France » et « New Directions in Policy Feedback and Mass Publics Studies ».


2022 Parliamentary and Presidential Elections in France
Thu, September 15, 8:00 to 9:30am, TBA

In the past decade, electoral politics in France has undergone major transformations both at the level of the party system and that of the electorate. The traditional left-right binary has collapsed and been replaced by a strong centrist party combined with fierce electoral competition on the far-right. The panel aims at discussing these changes in light of the parliamentary and presidential elections that will take place in April and June 2022. First, recent and ongoing changes in the party system will be studied with a joint focus on new parties and their institutionalization, including Emmanuel Macron’s La République en marche, that successfully erupted onto the political scene in 2017; and older parties that face direct challenges, like the radical right Rassemblement national and challenger Eric Zemmour. Second, the panel will examine voting behaviours and attitudes in light of party system changes and, specifically, zero in on radical-right voters’ electoral choices.

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New Directions in Policy Feedback and Mass Publics Studies
Thu, September 15, 12:00 to 1:30pm, TBA

Feedback studies on mass publics are going through exciting times. Drawing from a rich scholarship, recent research has started to push new frontiers. This panel takes stock of these developments and aims to mainstream their insights by discussing their theoretical and methodological implications for feedback studies. Four new directions are paid particular attention. First, echoing a call by Campbell (2012), some works have provided a fuller account of citizens’ lived experiences with the state by examining how multiple policy experiences feed back into citizens’ political attitudes and behaviours (e.g. Bruch, Marx Ferree and Soss, 2010; Hern, 2019; Shanks-Booth and Mettler 2019; Rosenthal, 2021). Yet, departing from the prevalent focus on single policy experiences poses a series of challenges, including methodological challenges to standard research designs based on an a priori policy selection. Second, alongside a focus on individual-level feedback effects of experiences with the state, a few scholars have started to study the collective dimension of policy feedbacks, either at the level of specific social and racial groups (Garcia-Ros, Lajevardi, Oskooii and Walker, 2021; Simonsen, 2021) or generations (Svallfors, 2010; Dupuy, Verhaegen and Van Ingelgom, 2021). These studies theoretically redefine or expand feedback mechanisms by putting emphasis on their interpretive or normative component. However, the issue of how collective and individual-level feedbacks combine and are to be theorized is still largely unchartered. Third, attention is being directed towards contingencies within policy feedback effects. Here, scholars show that the political effect of policies often varies based on the characteristics of the recipients (e.g. Lerman and McCabe 2017; Michener 2019) and the contexts within which they are situated (e.g. Clinton and Sances 2017). Last, another path of further research, which cuts across the other three, is to move feedback studies on mass publics, a mostly US-based scholarship, to other policy contexts as recently suggested by Béland and Schlager (2019). A main issue is to assess how the results and theories about a submerged state and a targeting welfare state, as the US is sometimes depicted, illuminate European cases, where the welfare state is still largely universal (Bussi, Dupuy and Van Ingelgom, 2022), or African cases, where public service is patchy and developing (Hern, 2017) – thereby supporting further elaborations and developments in feedback studies on mass publics.

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