le portail de la science politique française



Le mouvement des gilets jaunes français au prisme des méthodes mixtes

Dans le cadre de l’ANR Gilets jaunes Projet InterMSH LONGI, une journée d’étude internationale sur le thème “Understanding the French Yellow Vest Movement through the lens of mixed methods” est organisée le 29 septembre 2021 de 13h à 19h15, en partenariat avec le CEPEL et le Centre Emile Durkheim, partenaires institutionnels de l’AFSP, et le AFSP/FPG Associate Group de l’APSA (American Political Science Association).


Organisation :
Emmanuelle Reungoat (University of Montpellier/CEPEL)
Magali Della Sudda (CNRS/Centre Emile Durkheim-Bordeaux/ Stanford)

Format : en visioconférence via Zoom (voir les liens de connexion infra)



14h-14h15 : Introduction

Session 1 :   14h15-15h45 How the YVM Challenges Social Movements Studies and Assumptions about Contentious Politics

Papers: https://filesender.renater.fr/?s=download&token=f97dd752-8b8f-467b-9c33-e29749597b68

Zoom link: https://scpobx.zoom.us/j/97250119437?pwd=MERrVHFRbkMxaXlIYlN5OWlkYjhJQT09

ID de réunion : 972 5011 9437
Code secret : 226331

Chair : E. Reungoat, CEPEL/Univ. de Montpellier

Discussant: Olivirt Fillieule, Univ. de Lausanne/CRAPUL.

14h15-14h35:  “How political are Yellow Vests’ Ecologies?”

Alix Levain, CNRS/AMURE/ University of Brest, M. C. Dondeyne, University of Brest, Y. Le Lann, University of Lille, S. Persico, Inst. of Political Sciences Grenoble, M. Della Sudda CNRS/CED, E. Reungoat, Univ. Montpellier/CEPEL.

14h35-14h55: “Gender, a Useful Category of Analysis for the Yellow Vests Movement”/Male Standards of Behaviour and Women’s Involvement in the Yellow Vests Movement”
Jean-Baptiste Devaux, Sciences Po Lyon, Marion Lang Univ. of Saint-Etienne, Antoine Lévêque Sciences Po Lyon, Christophe Parnet, Sciences Po Lyon), Valentin Thomas, IRISSO.

14h55-15h15: “Family as a vehicle for mobilization. The Yellow Vests movement in France”,
Antoine B. De Raymond, INRAE, GRETHA & Sylvain Bordiec, University of Bordeaux.

15h15-15h45 Discussion by Olivier Fillieule


Session 2:    16h-17h30 Understanding a Social Movement through various Quantitative analysis: the Case of the Yellow Vests Movement

Papers: https://filesender.renater.fr/?s=download&token=4c06ce7a-e8c3-4a4e-873b-ea1f4afc0484

Zoom link: https://scpobx.zoom.us/j/96415371161?pwd=Z3JOYUVlSGFPT1ZJOGVJK0ZWd05wdz09

ID de réunion : 964 1537 1161
Code secret : 840652

Chair: Magali Della Sudda, CNRS/CED

Discussant: Amy G. Mazur, Johnson Professor of Political Science/ Associate Researcher, LIEPP Sciences Po, Paris/Washington State University)

16h00-16h20: “We are the people’. Addressing the French Yellow Vests’ populist attitudes and views on democracy through mixed methods”
Camille Bedock, CNRS/CED, Frédéric Gonthier, IEP Grenoble/PACTE; Tristan Guerra, IEP  Grenoble/PACTE Grenoble IEP; Chloé Alexandre, IEP Grenoble/PACTE, Stephanie Abrial, CNRS/PACTE.

16h20-16h40: “Gathered in their diversity. Understanding the social and political dynamics of the Yellow vest’s mobilization”
Jean-Yves Dormagen, Univ. de Montpellier/CEPEL; Laura Michel, Univ. de Montpellier/CEPEL; Emmanuelle Reungoat Univ. de Montpellier/CEPEL.

16h40-17h00: “Shedding light on the Yellow Vests movement through its spatial dimension, from the gathering places to the origins of the participants”
Pierre Blavier, CNRS/CLERSÉ & Étienne Walker, Univ. de Caen/ESO.

17h00-17h30 Discussion by Amy G. Mazur.


Session 3:    17h45-19h15 Social movements as stepping stone to politicization

Chair: Amy G. Mazur, Johnson Professor of Political Science/ Associate Researcher, LIEPP Sciences Po, Paris/Washington State University

Discussant: Nina Eliasoph, Professor of Sociology, University of Southern California.

Papers: https://filesender.renater.fr/?s=download&token=f2946859-dfec-42c1-8745-7fce3ab739bb

Zoom link: https://scpobx.zoom.us/j/93057225505?pwd=V25WRkFTbWhPOFZ1S1lYRUdTNUhaUT09

ID de réunion : 930 5722 5505
Code secret : 846540

17h45-18h15: “Becoming Political While Avoiding Politics: A Study of Yellow Vests First-Timers”
Emmanuelle Reungoat, University of Montpellier/CEPEL; François Buton CNRS/ENS Lyon; Cécile Jouhanneau, Univ. Paul Valéry de Montpellier/Art-Dev.

18h15-18h35“From the Roundabout to the City Council”
Magali Della Sudda, CNRS/CED.

18h35-18h55 “Live-streaming as engagement in the Yellow vests movement »
Olivier Baisnée, IEP of Toulouse/ LaSSP; Alizé Cavé, IEP of Toulouse/ LaSSP, Cyriac Gousset, IEP of Toulouse/ LaSSP; Jérémie Nollet IEP of Toulouse/ LaSSP & Fanny Parent, IEP of Toulouse/ LaSSP.

18h55-19h15: Discussion by Nina Eliasoph.


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