le portail de la science politique française


Éditions précédentes

AFSP’s 15th Congress & 8th CoSPoF

The French Political Science Association (AFSP)’s 15th congress will take place from the 2nd to the 4th of July, 2019 in Bordeaux and in partnership with Sciences Po Bordeaux. This event will also be combined with the 8th congress of the network of Francophone political science associations (CoSPoF). It will thus be particularly internationalized, as testified by more than 100 of its panels being co-organized by at least one colleague from a national association other than the AFSP.

In addition, a year after the 70th Anniversary of Sciences Po Bordeaux, this year the AFSP celebrates its own 70th ‘birthday’. Indeed, this celebration will take place in one of the historical centres of French political science, one that has been a pioneer in many respects. Moreover, the congress will also benefit from being held in our host’s new building situated on the Pessac campus.


As regards its scientific content, the Bordeaux congress will feature more than 1000 paper-givers, and be structured over three different types of activity.

Firstly, a wide range of panels (Sections thématiques: ST) will encompass the thematic, generational and infra-disciplinary state of political science in today’s France. Emanating from propositions by pairs of colleagues, but also from the AFSP’s own Groupes de projet for 2017-19 and new Groupes AFSP, the STs will be the place for deep discussion of hundreds of papers, all of which will have been posted on the AFSP’s website beforehand.

The second type of activity will be plenary lectures. Four of these are planned, including notably one by Pippa Norris from the University of Harvard. These lectures will constitute moments for tackling some of the biggest questions our discipline is fronting up to, be this how one does comparative analysis in the contemporary world or the direction African studies is now taking. Moreover, a set of lectures on the 2019 European elections, designed to also attract a non-academic audience, will also be held, and this shortly after their outcome.

Finally, a third type of activity will take the form of ‘poster’ sessions which will enable colleagues to succinctly present and share their research, a methods issue or a database using a visually-attractive format.

Meanwhile, other meetings that often take place at our congresses will also be held. These include sessions on the state of recruitment that will include representatives from the CNU and the CNRS, the AFSP’s own Annual General Meeting, as well as a range of sporting and fun-oriented events.


In order to register, don’t forget the early bird reduced rate cut-off date (30th April, 2019) and reduced rates for members of the AFSP and the CoSPoF’s national associations.

All relevant information can be found here: https://www.afsp.info/congres/congres-2019/inscriptions/


See also:

Herewith also the list of partners for this congress: https://www.afsp.info/congres/congres-2019/partenaires/

Practical information (transport, accomodation, location): https://www.afsp.info/congres/congres-2019/infos-pratiques/

And how to contact the organisers: https://www.afsp.info/congres/congres-2019/contacts/